David Brown Hydraulics Finland Oy

Vanha talvitie 3 C
00580, Helsinki
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Puhelin: (09) 342 4120
Faksi: (09) 342 41236

Yrityksen esittely:

David Brown Hydraulics is now part of the Clyde organisation, which it has been since 2008. However, there is a long history before that event took place, both in the product itself and the name that the company now bears.

David Brown Hydraulics was previously known as Hamworthy Hydraulics, the David Brown Hydraulics name coming as a result of an acquisition made in 1993.

David Brown Hydraulic Systems Ltd in Poole, Dorset, UK. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clyde Blowers.

David Brown Hydraulics has wholly owned companies in Vignola, Italy; Copenhagen, Denmark; Düsseldorf Germany; Helsinki, Finland; Charlotte, North Carolina, USA and Sydney, Australia. It also has a sister company selling David Brown products in Oslo, Norway.



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Työväen Akatemian Kannatusosakeyhtiö

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