ACA Systems Oy

Outilantie 3
83750, Sotkuma
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Puhelin: (013) 569 911
Faksi: (013) 569 949

Yrityksen esittely:

ACA Systems is the leading supplier of coating color and paper porosity analyzers. Our products are well known all over the world in the paper industry as well as in the paper chemicals industry. Our business is to provide operators and quality controllers of paper and paper chemical mills the products and services to optimize the runnability of their production process.

The main products we produce and market are ACAV A2 Ultra High Shear Rate Viscometer, ACAV A4 Viscometer and the newest product, Permi On-line Porosity Analyzer. We provide as well consulting services in highly complex matters related to measuring viscosity at high shear rates and porosity.



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Design (©) Hi-Vision Oy